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Renting a home in Denmark

As an expat in Denmark, you are most likely looking to rent a home - either in the form of a house, an apartment, or a room in a shared flat. In that case there are different rental laws and regulations you should take notice of. In this article, we’ll guide you through what you need to know about renting a home in Denmark, from finding the right rental to understanding your rental contract.

Overview of the Danish rental market

Before you start looking to rent an apartment or home in Denmark, it’s important to understand the country’s rental market.

Denmark has a highly regulated rental market and a set of laws that dictate how landlords must follow certain rules when renting out their properties . As a tenant, you also have certain rights and protections - as stipulated by the Danish rental act.

There are different rental properties - either private or social housing. Several types of rental properties are also available on the market, including apartments, houses, and rooms in shared flats.

Cost of renting in Denmark

The cost of renting a home in Denmark varies depending on where you choose to live. Generally, rent prices are higher in Copenhagen and other major cities like Aarhus, Aalborg, and Odense. Also, the cost of utilities can be expensive - mainly gas and electricity bills have soared in recent years - so it’s important to budget for these costs when planning your finances.

Student accommodation

Denmark is home to several educational institutions, which means there are different options for student accommodation.

Whether you are a Danish national or an international student, you can apply for student accommodation or halls of residence (‘kollegier’) which usually are cheaper than regular rentals.

You can find a list of the various student housing options here.

Housing benefits

If you are struggling to pay for your rental property, you may be eligible for housing benefits - also known as boligstøtte. Housing benefits are government-funded programs that provide financial assistance to tenants.

Read more about housing benefits here or apply for housing benefits here .

How to find the right rental

Struggling to find the right rental property in Denmark? There are different resources available to aid you in your search. Here are some tips for finding the right rental:

  1. Use online rental platforms:Different online platforms are available, including BoligPortal and LejeBolig . These platforms allow you to search for rental properties based on your preferences and your budget.
  2. Utilize your network:Using your network and word-of-mouth to find a rental can also be a good idea. You can use social media platforms or hear a friend of a friend.

Other tips when looking for the right place

  1. Start your search early:
    Finding the right place to live may take some time, so starting the search early is important. Give yourself plenty of time to find a place that meets your needs and budget.
  2. Determine your budget:
    Before you start your search, it’s also important to determine your budget. Look at your income and expenses and decide how much you can afford to spend on rent each month.
  3. Decide what you’re looking for
    What are you looking for in a place? Do you want a furnished or unfurnished apartment? Do you need parking space or a specific size and amount of bedrooms? Make a list of your need-to-haves and nice-to-haves to narrow down your search. 

Once you’ve moved into your new home, you must register your address with the Danish authorities. You can register your address at the Citizen Service Centre (Borgerservice) in your municipality.

Understanding your rental contract

Once you’ve found the right rental property, it’s important that you also understand your rental contract. Here are some key things to keep in mind when reviewing your rental contract:

  1. Rent and deposits
    Your rental contract will state the rent you’ll need to pay each month, as well as any required deposits.
  2. Termination notice
    Your rental contract will also outline the notice you’ll need to give if you decide to terminate your lease.
  3. Maintenance and repairs
    Furthermore, your rental contract will outline who is responsible for maintenance and repairs.

It’s important that you read the contract carefully before signing. Make sure you understand all the terms and conditions.

Read more about the rental contract at

Tip: Photograph existing conditions and damages when you move into your new apartment. When you move out, you can use these photographs as documentation if your landlord requires you to pay for already existing damages.

Are you still in the process of moving to Denmark? Read this guide covering what you need to know about relocating to Denmark, including visas and setting up a bank account.

Don’t forget your Danish bank account

Lunar is a Danish, award-winning digital bank. If you become a user, you can open a free Danish bank account that includes a digital card as well as an easy-to-use banking app.

You can also open your NemKonto with Lunar, which you’ll need to receive payments from the Danish authorities and welfare system.

The sign-up process is easy and 100% digital, meaning you can do it from the comfort of your home.

Last updated August 16, 2023. This article is based on general information, and there may be special rules and circumstances that you should be aware of. This should not be considered counseling.