Do you want to know how we handle your private information? Or do you want to take a deep dive into pricing, terms, or other legal documents? In both cases, you've come to the right place.
Terms and conditions.
Terms for private users.
Find documents on general terms, fee information documents, historical terms, and information about competitions.
Policies, pricing lists, and terms are applicable for private users who've signed up for Lunar February 28th, 2020, or later. If you were approved for Lunar before this date, find your terms and documents in the app, or under ‘Historic terms’.
General terms for private users.
- Alm. Forretningsbetingelser privat
- Lunar App brugerbetingelser privat
- Vilkår for betalingskonti privat
- Brugerregler for Visa Debit privat
- Prisliste for Lunar privat
- Lunar Light brugerbetingelser
- Lunar privatlivspolitik privat
- Provisioner
- Oplysningsskema - Garantiformuen for indskydere og investorer
- Generelle regler for debitorer i Betalingsservice
- Betingelser for indgående udenlandske betalinger i Lunar Bank
- Betingelser for udgående udenlandske betalinger i Lunar Bank
- SAS EuroBonus Terms and conditions
Lunar Standard
Lunar Plus
Lunar Unlimited
Lunar Invest
Lunar Block
All cryptocurrency trading is done through Lunar Block A/S - a part of Lunar Group A/S.
- Lunar Light gebyroplysningsdokument
- Lunar Standard gebyroplysningsdokument
- Lunar Plus gebyroplysningsdokument
- Lunar Unlimited gebyroplysningsdokument
Historic terms.
Previous historic terms
Campaigns and competitions.
Terms for business users.
Lunar Business user? Find the information you need right here. You can find general terms for Lunar Business users or forms you need for your business.
Terms and conditions applicable to those created from 31.08.23 and for all customers as of 18.09.23
- Almindelige forretningsbetingelser business
- Brugerbetingelser business
- Vilkår for betalingskonti business
- Visa debit brugerregler business
- Prisliste business
- Lunar privatlivspolitik business
- Provisioner
- Oplysningsskema - Garantiformuen for indskydere og investorer
- Betingelser for indgående udenlandske betalinger i Lunar Bank
- Betingelser for udgående udenlandske betalinger i Lunar Bank
Lunar Essential forsikringsbetingelser
- Lunar Essential Rejseforsikring
- Lunar Essential Rejse Forsikringsbetingelser
- Lunar Essential Cyberforsikring
Lunar Limitless forsikringsbetingelser
- Lunar Limitless rejseforsikring
- Lunar Limitless rejseforsikring betingelser
- Lunar Limitless cyberforsikring